Fast fashion is a term used to describe trendy, mass-produced clothes which have some serious consequences for the environment. On top of the environmental effects of fast fashion, we have the ethical issue of unfairly paid garment workers. If we want to see a change, we need to start saying no to unfair industry practices and shop from brands that are transparent with their supply chain structures.
“To change the system we, must change the culture it thrives on. Rethinking the role of existing clothes could be the way to move from a culture of excess, to one of abundance” – Orsola de Castro, co-founder of the amazing organisation Fashion Revolution. @fash_rev on Instagram please give them a follow to see all the amazing work they do.
Here are 3 sustainable ways you can help fight fast fashion:
Shop Local
By supporting your local fashion brands, you are growing your own country’s economy. You are also buying something that is totally unique and won’t find on mass-produced shelves. We have so many amazingly wonderful local designers with such talent, it makes sense to support the people that live, work, eat and play where you are.
Donate or sell your previously loved items
Now, this is a tough one for some (myself included) because there are those sentimental clothing items and those “I’ll fit into you again one day” items that I hold onto…. And if you are not ready to part with it then let it spark joy a little longer. But if you are ready to let go then there are amazing organisations you can donate to – like POWA. These places help women who are going through some pretty terrible times to get back on their feet, I don’t know about you but that makes me feel good and that is worth it to clear out some clutter.
Look at styles that are more versatile and classic
This one is a personal one. When I realised that ‘style’ and ‘fashion sense’ was very much a personal thing, I learned that I don’t need to constantly be on trend with the rest of the world but that I rather needed to be on trend with myself. So I started buying items that worked for me. This way, instead of having a closet full of items I have only worn once, I now have a closet where the clothing is worn all the time – for the most part (I’m not perfect…. ha ha). There are still a few ‘someday’ items that I will never fit into but I hang on to them just in case.
So to sum it all up…..
It’s #UpToYou to help change the narrative and stop supporting fast fashion. Stop chasing trends and start creating your timeless looks instead. Consider quality over quantity and help drive ethical manufacturing processes over inhumane sweatshops. Shop local and look for versatile items that you can mix and match into many looks for multiple occasions. Also, don’t forget to clear out that closet from time to time.
As a transparent, socially and environmentally conscious brand, this is a topic that is very close to our hearts. We truly believe that we need to be more aware and together, we can make a difference.
#ItsUpToYou to stop supporting #FastFashion
xx Lola xx
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